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6 Innovative Ways to Market Your Life Insurance Business
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6 Innovative Ways to Market Your Life Insurance Business

The life insurance industry is a competitive field to plant your career flag . Everything from client outreach to team retention can feel more challenging when you’re competing with other life insurance agents. Finding ways to market yourself and your business should be a top priority and can set you apart from the rest.

You should always be looking for new ways to spread brand awareness and for innovative ways to market your services. To get you started, we’ve put together a list of six ways you can market your business to attract more clients and recruits while expanding your brand.

#1: Create a referral program

Remember your existing client base when considering ways to grow your business. Create a referral program that your clients can participate in by referring you to their friends and family. It’s a great way to increase your business, but it also can help with client retention while spreading word of mouth about your services.

Give your clients motivation to refer you to people they know. Consider adding rewards to your referral program. For every three clients they refer to you, maybe they’ll get a gift card to a local restaurant. If you’re able to write a policy on a referral another client made, consider upping the stakes of the reward. Give them a reason to participate.

A well-thought-out referral program will strengthen the relationships you build with your clients. They will associate you with financial advice and remember your program when someone they know mentions a financial product that they’re in the market for.

Building lasting connections with your clients will enhance the success of referrals you receive, so make sure to find the right product and coverage amount  for every family you help.

#2: Leverage a defined brand

Having the support of an existing brand can do wonders for your business and outreach to clients. Using established resources that connect you to that brand will help prospective clients identify you as a professional and authority within the life insurance industry. Something as simple as a branded social post or Zoom background can work as a trust signal to potential clients.

Symmetry Financial Group agents are empowered by our carefully nurtured brand presence. With a long list of assets on HQ (our one-stop site for all things life insurance), our agents have a leg up in the industry because they have access to all of our established brand materials.

#3: Influencer collaborations

For a tactic that’s a bit off the regular path for life insurance agents, working with an influencer can be a powerful tool in enhancing your brand’s presence online. By collaborating with influencers who specifically offer financial advice, you can gain the attention of new clients from their audience.

Associating your product, service and business with a trusted influencer will paint you as an authority on the topic . It’s a great way to market your life insurance business and reach a wider audience.

#4: Educational workshops and webinars

Hosting educational workshops for prospective clients is a great way to market yourself and your services. Whether you’re hosting an in-person community event, or an online webinar open to as many people as your Zoom account allows for, scheduling free, educational talks can help you spread your brand and your business.

Consider hosting specific workshops. Host a webinar that helps demystify annuities or a workshop that outlines the difference between term and whole life insurance. By being specific you can zero in on the needs of those that choose to attend.

These events work as great segues into writing policies for anyone who signs up. Even more, by hosting these free, educational services you’re solidifying yourself as an expert in your field.

#5: Get active on social media

If you’re not using social media to reach a wider audience, then you’re already missing a massive opportunity to engage with prospective clients and recruits. Still, it’s no longer enough to be active on just one or two platforms, instead it’s best to create (or find ways to recycle) content for as many social media platforms as possible.

Your clients use several platforms, which is why having your content on as many social outlets as possible is important. TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are some of the basic social platforms to get started on. However, some less frequently used sites like Medium, LinkedIn and, more recently, Threads are some platforms where you might be competing less for views.

Create content that speaks to your audience (anyone looking for financial products to meet their goals) and post often. The more content you create, the higher the chances of being found on these platforms will be.

#6: Network, network, network

As is true for almost any industry, the power of networking can elevate your business to new heights. Knowing your fellow agents and other industry experts is critical to your success as a life insurance agent. Not only can they direct you to new processes and technologies, but networking with others in the industry can lead you to more clients and more confidence in the field.

Symmetry hosts several events throughout the year that give our agents a chance to connect and network with one another. Most notably, our annual, national conferences give Symmetry agents a chance to hear from leaders in the industry while discovering new ways to market themselves and build their businesses.

Market yourself with Symmetry

Finding ways to market your business should be a constant goal. There will always be new, inventive methods to spread your brand and attract more clients and recruits.

Hopefully, something on this list will encourage you to try something new and help you enhance your business. The insurance field is a competitive one, be sure you’re taking every opportunity to put your name in front of potential clients.

Experience the Symmetry Difference

As a Symmetry agent, you will have access to high-quality life insurance, disability income insurance, critical illness insurance, and annuity products from more than 30 well-known insurance companies. This gives you the flexibility and reach you need to tailor plans to meet clients’ individual coverage needs.

To learn more about how to begin a fulfilling career as a life insurance agent, contact us today.

Dakotah Seiler
Senior Copywriter and Brand Specialist
Dakotah Seiler is a contributing writer and content specialist at Symmetry Financial Group. He has more than eight years of industry experience, from handling mailing campaigns to writing product-specific pieces that support licensed agents and their businesses.

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