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6 Mistakes to Avoid While Selling Life Insurance
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6 Mistakes to Avoid While Selling Life Insurance

We get it. Mistakes happen. It’s true for every part of life, and it’s definitely true in life insurance sales. Whether it’s not being prepared for an appointment or not knowing what product to fit your client with, there are plenty of potential pitfalls.

Ideally, you want to learn from mistakes to grow yourself professionally and personally. For now, we’re hoping to save you a headache (or six). We put together this list so you can save yourself from six mistakes you might make while selling life insurance.

#1: Not dialing enough leads

One of the biggest mistakes an agent (especially a new agent) can make is not dialing enough leads. We’re using dialing here liberally since there are so many ways to contact your clients now — text, email, social media and calling.

Selling life insurance, like a lot of industries, is a numbers game. Good weeks come with bad weeks, and discouragement is the easiest trap to fall into when selling life insurance.

The more leads you reach out to, the more chances you’ll find success. It’s as simple as that. The key is to be persistent, and don’t let a “no” get in the way of a future “yes.”

#2: Keeping your prospects waiting

As the industry changes, digital leads are becoming more relevant to life insurance agents. With digital leads comes a need to reach out more quickly. It’s not enough to schedule your calls all for one day and clear them all out at once. Instead, make it a priority to reach out to your leads as quickly as possible.

Data has shown that the more quickly an agent makes contact, the more likely they’ll find a client interested in purchasing a policy .

In this case, automation can be your lifeline. Symmetry agents have access to proprietary technology like Switchboard which knows a thing or two about automating agent and client communication.

With Switchboard, our life insurance agents can automate their communication with leads and send texts, emails and even schedule phone calls soon after receiving the lead.

Don’t leave your leads hanging. Every minute counts when it comes to client outreach.

#3: Never asking for help

Starting any new career path can be overwhelming. For life insurance agents, you’re dealing with getting licensed, training and learning how to use new technology. It can feel like drinking water from a fire hydrant.

The mistake to make would be to assume you’re on your own. Whether it’s mentorship or online solutions, look and get help for whatever is slowing you down.

Symmetry agents are supported by all the help they can ask for. Through our one-stop site for all things life insurance, HQ, our agents can find in-depth training that keeps them ahead of the curve without feeling out of their depths.

Through interactive training like Summit, Symmetry agents know what they need to get where they want to be. Through a gamified experience, agents receive expert help — from onboarding to owning their own agency and everything in between.

Combine this with an extensive library of webinars and training calls HQ has to offer, and we give life insurance agents all the help they need.

#4: Being too aggressive

It might feel like an obvious point to make, but selling life insurance can be an intimate and sensitive product to talk about. With that in mind, selling too aggressively can be an early mistake that will keep your prospective clients as just that — prospective.

If you ever feel like you’re selling life insurance like someone might sell a car, then you’re undoubtedly taking the wrong approach. It’s an investment they need time to consider, and you’re there to facilitate that consideration.

By being thoughtful and patient, you can give your clients space to be educated on what they want to protect and work together to find a policy that can cover it.

#5: Selling for you instead of them

Having your client’s best interest at heart is the start and end of selling life insurance. You’re sure to find the most success by sticking to what works best for your client instead of what brings you the most commission.

Knowing which product fits your client’s needs best should be priority number one with whomever you’re sitting down with. Beyond that, finding the right coverage amount and how the product works are crucial to how you sell the policies.

Over-insuring your clients with products they don’t need is a sure way to damage your brand and hinder your ability to build lasting relationships with your clients.

#6: Never following up

Speaking of building lasting relationships, reaching out to your clients after selling the policy should be a regular part of your process. Without following up you’re failing to see how the product is working and impacting your client while ignoring the opportunities to protect them in the future.

Following up with your clients also shows that you’re more than just someone who sells them a product and walks away. Schedule regular policy check-ins, or just remember when to wish them a happy birthday or congratulations on a recent anniversary.

These types of moments go a long way in forging memorable relationships with your clients that will enhance your business and elevate your brand.

Minimize mistakes with Symmetry

Symmetry agents have the benefit of leaders who’ve been there and know which mistakes not to make. Whether it’s knowing how to properly insure a client or how to build a positive culture that supports their team, we give our agents the keys to success, but not until we’ve helped them find the locks.

Experience the Symmetry Difference

As a Symmetry agent, you will have access to high-quality life insurance, disability income insurance, critical illness insurance, and annuity products from more than 30 well-known insurance companies. This gives you the flexibility and reach you need to tailor plans to meet clients’ individual coverage needs.

To learn more about how to begin a fulfilling career as a life insurance agent, contact us today.

Dakotah Seiler
Senior Copywriter and Brand Specialist
Dakotah Seiler is a contributing writer and content specialist at Symmetry Financial Group. He has more than eight years of industry experience, from handling mailing campaigns to writing product-specific pieces that support licensed agents and their businesses.

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