In 2016, while taking a break from the non-profit world and working as a nanny for Symmetry Founders, Meredith and Brandon Ellison, Amy attended Symmetry’s national conference. And while her focus was to support the Ellisons with childcare throughout the multi-day event, Amy could not help but be inspired by the people she met and the stories she heard. A new career path seemed to be unfolding.
Before deciding to become an agent, however, Amy had some hesitations. She had no sales experience, had finished her homeschool education by tenth grade and held no college degrees. Amy also had never had a commission-based income, and she wasn’t sure if selling life insurance was going to fill her cup or provide her with a sense of meaning. “What I quickly realized though, is that this job allows me to support people as they navigate important conversations, proactively alleviate enormous stressors and find valuable financial solutions for themselves and their families. I get to make a huge, positive impact on people’s lives, every day.”
Within seven months of working with Symmetry, Amy was experiencing financial abundance, a deep connection to her profession and an unprecedented sense of work-life harmony. She had the freedom to pick up and move to Salt Lake City, to work while travelling abroad, spend ample time hiking, teach Pilates and more.
“If you’ve got drive, if you can identify your why (a why that surpasses money), and if you can create a vision of success – you have everything you need to thrive in this industry. Of all the companies out there, I choose to stick with Symmetry because of the unwavering support of the company’s leaders, the core values, the unrivaled culture and the opportunity to get exactly what you came here for.”