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Best-In-Class Leads
Man checking mailbox in front of house in white t-shirt and grey sweatpants

Best-In-Class Leads

Symmetry Financial Group is unique in the fact that we are a lead-generating company that does not make a profit off our leads. Instead, we subsidize those leads for our agents so that they can impact more families.

At Symmetry, our leads are nurtured and thoroughly vetted so our agents know that they are purchasing quality. This is one of the many ways that Symmetry sets itself apart in the insurance industry.

Path of leads

To ensure our agents are receiving quality leads, Symmetry Financial Group tracks leads every step of the way. From the mail house to the client’s house, Symmetry has optimized every aspect of our lead generation.

There are three categories that our leads fall into: direct mail, call-in postcards and digital ads. By taking advantage of all three lead generation platforms, Symmetry widens the nets of possible clients and makes sure all our agents’ lead requests are met.

Initial contact takes place when the prospective client either receives our letter or postcard or they find our advertisement online. All three pieces clearly explain the product and allow the client to give their information so that a licensed agent can reach out to them.

Those leads are then nurtured by Symmetry’s CRM, which is designed to ensure the quality of the lead. Within the CRM, duplicates are identified and removed from the lead pool, client information is verified and leads are uploaded for distribution to our agents.

The lead is then distributed to any agents with a standing lead order or purchased directly from Symmetry’s CRM. The lead includes client information, how it was generated and a script on the best way of approaching the potential client. If the lead was generated via direct mail or call-in postcard the lead also includes a downloadable PDF of the mail piece.

To support continued quality, agents are also encouraged to request credit on any leads that do not fit the standard that Symmetry strives to maintain. That includes leads with incorrect information, language barriers or change of address.

Value-based leads 

At Symmetry, we believe that agents should pay for quality when it comes to leads. That’s why we’ve developed a value-based leads system that means agents are never overpaying for leads. Our CRM helps decide the value of a lead based on the information provided, and that lead is then categorized according to price.

Switchboard on HQ

To help our agents streamline their leads, business and client communication, our parent company, Quility, has developed agent-focused tech that lets agents meet clients on their own terms. Switchboard is the ultimate omnichannel experience, that agents have free access to on HQ.

With Switchboard, agents can create campaigns based on lead types, run an appointment scheduler, and run a multi-channel communication portal that allows them to personalize outbound emails, calls, and voicemails.

This revolutionary tech is keeping Symmetry agents on the cutting edge of the insurance industry.

Digital leads

Digital leads are the future of the insurance industry. So much of lead generation, client outreach and recruiting is happening online, and Symmetry has put a huge focus on supporting our agents with a quality digital lead experience. Potential clients can respond to an online ad, a social media post or find us from our official website. However they find us, they can request a quote, leave their information and request to speak with an agent.

When it comes to digital leads, speed is critical to our agents’ success. Prospective clients who request a quote are looking for convenience, and we’ve found that agents are seven times more likely to sell a policy if they reach out to the client within an hour of receiving the lead. What’s more, agents who reach out within an hour are 60 times more likely to qualify a client than agents who wait up to a day.

Digital leads then see the same process as direct mail and call-in postcards. They are nurtured, verified and distributed all on Symmetry’s CRM.

Direct mail

Direct mail pieces have been the bread and butter of lead generation for the insurance industry for a long time. Here at Symmetry, we perfected this process and continue searching for ways to increase the quality of these leads.

Call-in postcards

Call-in leads are like the direct mail pieces in how they are delivered to the home. However, with these postcards, clients are encouraged to call a toll-free number where they can enter their information and request a call from a licensed agent. As a result, the turnaround for these leads is much faster and agents can get in touch with the potential client much faster.

Affordable leads for agents

At Symmetry, we pass the savings onto you. We only make a profit on our leads when our agents are successful, which is why we spend time ensuring they are quality. Everything from our freshest A leads to our cheapest bonus leads are priced to be as affordable as possible for our agents.

Lead prices are also based on contract level. As a result, newer agents are given access to the most affordable leads so that they can hit the ground running.

Quility HQ

Not only are our leads both quality and cost-effective, but we also give our agents the tools and support to work them effectively.

Symmetry’s parent company, Quility, has created a website called HQ where Symmetry agents can find a list of resources that guide them to success with each lead. Everything from sales scripts to personalized metrics gives our agents the advantage of making the most of our leads.

Training for handling digital leads

At HQ, agents will find a list of phone sales scripts, based on product type, that helps them handle objections with digital leads and navigate a successful initial contact with the lead.

Upload leads to CRM

HQ also gives Symmetry agents the ability to track and organize their leads. Here you can disposition leads, including dates and times for calls and appointments and request lead credit for any lead. Agents can also upload all this information to our CRM for easy access.

See lead leaderboards for the company

Agents will also have access to lead leaderboards on HQ. They can see personal stats as well as company-wide metrics of how leads are performing. They can also keep track of lead order fulfillment and existing lead requests.


HQ also offers our agents a host of support options with their leads. On the site, they’ll find an extensive facts and questions section as well as a place to send support tickets directly to our leads department. There they will receive real-time help with all their lead issues.

Experience the Symmetry leads

Leads are the lifeblood of our organization. Making sure that agents have quality leads that they can effectively work with is an important focus at Symmetry. We strive to make sure our agents receive thoroughly vetted prospects every time they buy leads with us.

Experience the Symmetry Difference

As a Symmetry agent, you will have access to high-quality life insurance, disability income insurance, critical illness insurance, and annuity products from more than 30 well-known insurance companies. This gives you the flexibility and reach you need to tailor plans to meet clients’ individual coverage needs.

To learn more about how to begin a fulfilling career as a life insurance agent, contact us today.

Dakotah Seiler
Senior Copywriter and Brand Specialist
Dakotah Seiler is a contributing writer and content specialist at Symmetry Financial Group. He has more than eight years of industry experience, from handling mailing campaigns to writing product-specific pieces that support licensed agents and their businesses.

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