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Symmetry Financial Group | Know Your Brand
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Symmetry Financial Group | Know Your Brand

Here at Symmetry, we support our agents with everything from leads and training to best-in-class, digitally underwritten products that allow them to get the most out of their business. One of the greatest benefits is our brand. Every Symmetry Financial Group agent is supported by our brand to grow their own business through the success we’ve carefully crafted over the last decade. We supply our independently run agencies with the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than they would be on their own.

We accomplish this by giving our agents access to Symmetry-branded assets for both their recruiting and sales needs. Our agents can add a professional touch to everything from business cards to appointment emails. The corporate team at Symmetry is dedicated to giving agents what they need so that their time is better spent on serving their clients and growing their agency.

Here we will break down all the nuances of what the Symmetry brand looks like, some best practices and how it differs from our parent company, Quility. With knowledge of the company’s branding hierarchy, agents can create more business while adding credibility to their own outreach.

Powered by Quility Tech

It’s important for Symmetry agents to understand that our parent company, Quility, is a client-facing brand. Its outreach, social presence and language are all client-facing. While Quility works to serve clients, every effort of that service in turn powers the success of Symmetry agents.

The technology, platforms and products our agents use are supported and powered by Quility. Quility was founded as a technology platform and holding company for Symmetry Financial Group. While the tech, platforms and products are powered by Quility, our agents are in turn supported by those technologies, platforms and products.

This distinction is key in understanding not only Quility’s branding but Symmetry Financial Group’s as well. Our clients are purchasing insurance using the support and products that Quility designs but with the guidance and expertise of a Symmetry Financial Group agent.

In the words of one of Symmetry’s founders, Casey Watkins, “Quility provides Symmetry agents with technology, products, leads and support. As far as we’re concerned, Symmetry is the main and largest distribution channel for Quility.”

Symmetry Financial Group

Symmetry Financial Group is the primary distributor for Quility as one of the nation’s leading IMOs. We have over a decade of service and have helped hundreds of thousands of individuals  find best-fit insurance solutions in that time.

Beyond that, Symmetry agencies help driven individuals find meaningful careers in the life insurance industry. Today, we have 300 Agency Owners and over 6,000 writing agents that are helping families in all 50 states.

Aligning marketing materials and messaging with the Symmetry Financial Group brand is critical to success in this organization. From self-branding to recruiting, agents have easy access to assets, language and marketing that we’ve carefully developed to promote and build trust around the Symmetry brand.

As our agents meet with clients and grow their agencies, the branding they use should align with Symmetry Financial Group, while cultivating their own brand that fits their agency.

Separate brands working together

Working with two separate brands can get confusing when agents aren’t sure of how the two work together. Branding consists of both tangible and intangible components. Tangible components of branding include visual identity, like logos, fonts, colors, and that is accomplished with various marketing assets.  We at the home office work hard to help you with this.

Intangible components, however, are made of personality and how an individual feels about the brand. With that in mind, it’s important that Symmetry agents consider both components when representing our brand.

The Symmetry Financial Group brand is dedicated to directly supporting our agents by giving them a professional touch that elevates their business. This brand has been tailored to give agents every advantage when working with their clients and growing their agency.

Quility is the parent company and downstream supplier of technology, leads, applications, products, community and corporate support to its distribution channels, with SFG being the primary and core component of that. Quility powers Symmetry and its agencies – hence, powered by Quility.  Agents are allowed to state that their Agency is powered by Quility. Branding should be aligned to that of SFG or their own agency.

These two brands work together. Every product, technology and platform that is powered by Quility can be leveraged by Symmetry Financial Group agents. The distinction between the two is key to understanding how Quility’s client-facing brand ultimately empowers Symmetry’s brand and agents to grow themselves professionally.

HQ for Symmetry agents

With the support of our parent company, Quility, we’ve developed a one-stop site for our agents called HQ . Within HQ, agents can find everything from product information and leaderboards to telesales scripts and contest information.

When it comes to the Symmetry brand, HQ hosts a whole section under “Marketing” where agents can download branded documents and gain a firm understanding of what the Symmetry brand means. They have access to guides that show them the RGB and Hex codes for digital graphics so they can use the right colors on their social posts, social card and leaderboard templates as well as a library of icons they can choose from.

Within the resources, agents can even find branded Zoom backgrounds, post-sale leave behinds and one-sheets for all our products. By leveraging HQ, Symmetry agents can add a professional touch to all their social outreach that is branded and designed by our home office.

Stay on brand with Symmetry

Staying on brand is important for agents when describing our business to clients and with social outreach. Symmetry agents reflect the core values, mission and experience we’ve crafted which is why we’ve spent a lot of time developing support and resources for our agents to make using our brand as easy as possible.

Whether they need marketing assets for a social campaign or a breakdown of how a certain product works, we have them covered on HQ. If our agents find they need something customized that fits within our brand guidelines, we’re here to help them with that as well.

Experience the Symmetry Difference

As a Symmetry agent, you will have access to high-quality life insurance, disability income insurance, critical illness insurance, and annuity products from more than 30 well-known insurance companies. This gives you the flexibility and reach you need to tailor plans to meet clients’ individual coverage needs.

To learn more about how to begin a fulfilling career as a life insurance agent, contact us today.

Dakotah Seiler
Senior Copywriter and Brand Specialist
Dakotah Seiler is a contributing writer and content specialist at Symmetry Financial Group. He has more than eight years of industry experience, from handling mailing campaigns to writing product-specific pieces that support licensed agents and their businesses.

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